Hygiena MicroSnap TOTAL Detection Device

  • Part #:ATP-APC200
  • Weight:1.00
  • Availability:AVAILABLE

Price: $163.80
Price: $237.51


This is a rapid bioluminogenic test method for the detection and enumeration of total population of bacteria or total contamination in a sample (down to 1 CFU) providing results in less than 8 hours. MicroSnap TOTAL consists of an Enrichment Swab Device containing proprietary growth medium and a Detection Device containing bioluminogenic reagents in which biomarkers produced by bacteria are measured using a small portable luminometer. The two step test procedure requires a short incubation period to enhance the growth of bacteria followed by the detection step. During incubation in the Enrichment broth, the number of bacteria is increased and potential sample interference is reduced. As the bacteria grow they use up their available food resources in the broth and generate enzymatic biomarkers, such that the greater the number of bacteria, the higher the biomarker concentration after a set time interval. Subsequently, the biomarker produced by living and growing bacteria is measured using a luminometer. The light output is directly proportional to the concentration of biomarkers and number of bacteria present.[ A relationship between biomarker concentration at a specific point and starting numbers of mixed bacteria can be established.]  MicroSnap TOTAL can be used to test environmental surfaces, foodstuff, water and other filterable liquids. The test should be run using aseptic techniques in a laboratory or in a controlled environment.

Note: This is a 2 step process and uses two different products.  The MicroSnap TOTAL Enrichment Swab, #ATP-ENT200 and the MicroSnap TOTAL Detection Device Swab, #ATP-APC200.
Interpretation of Results:
The results on the Hygiena SystemSure Plus or EnSURE luminometers are displayed as Relative Light Units (RLU). The RLU output is proportional to the starting inoculums and the corresponding bacteria equivalent numbers (expressed as Colony Forming Units, CFU). The Table 1 below shows the equivalent CFU values for RLU measurements obtained using the 2 different Hygiena luminometers.
Table 1            Correlation between CFU/g or ml and average RLU after 7 hour incubation at +30C

 CFU/ml or g

SystemSURE Plus



≤ 10

≤ 20
















Features & Specifications:

  • 100 swabs per case
  • Self-contained devices provide ease of use
  • Unique liquid-stable reagent provides high sensitivity and repeatability
  • Uses proven conventional diagnostic properties
  • Independent of sample effects
  • No special sample preparation required
  • 2 step procedure
  • Simple pass/fail result at desired specification
  • Quantitative result by kinetic measurement
  • Results obtained in 7 hours
  • Equivalent results to other cultural methods
  • Low level detection (0 CFU)
  • Repeat testing on same enrichment sample
  • Faster quality assurance response and product release
  • Shelf Life: up to 12 months at refrigerated temperatures (2-8ºC)
  Applications Include:
  • Surface swabbing
  • Raw material and finished product testing
  • Solids, liquids and filterable products
  • Food & Beverage; dairy, cosmetics & pharma and water

Required Accessories

Part #: ATP-206
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$3,135.00 (CAD)
one instrument platform to collect, analyze, and report data from multiple quality indicators

Part #: ATP-ENT200
$130.99 (USD)
$189.94 (CAD)
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$2,720.11 (CAD)
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Optional Accessories

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$90.13 (CAD)
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