Our NEW EDL LORAWAN wireless data loggers utilize powerful LORA radio frequencies to transmit  over 1500m to monitor temperature and relative humidity at chosen intervals.

All sensors are fully 21CFR part 11 complaint and can log data to a cloud database or local servers or PC’s for easy data retrieval and review.

Alerts and reports can be downloaded automatically and emailed. You can now provide on demand mapping of your warehouses, refrigerators and high-value biologics.

Three models are available to fit your needs. This system is scalable and easily upgradable. 

Category Products


Gea DeepWave LORA Module (915MHz)

Part #: TS12DWN7B
Gea is the flagship radio module of the DeepWave system: it has a large ePaper display, 2 inputs for (more...)
$389.20 (USD)
$564.34 (CAD)

Helios LORA DeepWave Gateway (915MHz)

Part #: TS12DWGB
Helios LORA Gateway is the heart of the DeepWave system: it receives data from GEA LORA nodes and sa (more...)
$1,111.60 (USD)
$1,611.82 (CAD)

Smart Temperature Sensors for LORA DeepWave System

Part #: See Below
DeepWave Smart temperature sensors are utilized with the GEA LORA Radio nodes. The Smart Sensor cont (more...)