Tecnosoft SPD Management Software

  • Part #:See Below
  • Availability:AVAILABLE

Price: Please call us or add this item to your quote to get pricing.

* Some products require configurations and options that can affect pricing.


The SPD software is the management program for the SterilDisk, PasteurDisk, SterilCyl and PasteurCyl dataloggers. It's easy to use, intuitive and full of options. Simply use the Disk Interface (Part#: TS0141) connected to your PC via serial or USB and use the Software to program and start the loggers. You can also program a start delay and add notes. When downloaded, data is then displayed in a graph, with zoom function, and table, exportable in Excel. NOTE: Software is included with TS0200. Inquire if ordering separately.

Features & Specifications:
  • Operating Systems: Windows XP / Vista/ 7 / 8 / 10
  • Data Management: Missions sorted by start date and logger serial number
  • Data Display: Graph (with zoom) and table (exportable into Excel) and report of all the data printing
  • Multi graph display: Two or more missions can be displayed on a single graph
  • Real time display
  • CFR21 Part 11 compliant: Records can not be changed
  • Communication: Serial (RS232) or USB
  • Languages: English, Italian, French , German, Spanish

Required Accessories

Part #: TS0200
$303.80 (USD)
$440.51 (CAD)
The DiskInterface HS (High Speed) is a connection bay used for downloading data and programming all (more...)

Optional Accessories

Part #: TS0165
$1,512.00 (USD)
$2,192.40 (CAD)
SterilDisk, S-Micro, S-Radio, MicroW, RHTemp, PressureDisk, Pirani Vacuum Logger, TecnoStick, HumiSt (more...)