MicroFast® Yeast & Mold (YM) Count Plates are a sample-ready-culture medium system. They use innovative technologies such as rapid diffusion systems and new-generation microbial coloration to achieve rapid proliferation and interpretation of colonies, greatly improving the detection efficiency in the laboratory.
MicroFast® Yeast & Mold Count Plates are intended for enumeration
of yeast and mold in food and environmental samples. MicroFast count plates
are simple and efficient to use requiring less consumables and minimal training.
With an 18 months shelf life the ability to respond to fluctuating demand far
exceeds that of traditional agar-based methods.
100 per pack
(Also available in 25 and 1000 pack)
Product Features:
3 easy steps to use:
1. Inoculation - Lift the top film and add sample.
2. Incubation - Incubate the plates (following the Instruction for Use.)
3. Interpretation - Count the colonies.