Intech Mini Pack 16 & 32 Chart Recorder Replacement Packages

  • Part #:IT0260/IT0261
  • Units:each
  • Availability: Inquire

Price: $6,500.00
Price: $8,905.00


Together the new 2100-A 16 Remote Station and the new MicroScan Recorder Lite Software have the price advantage and technology edge. Mini Packs are more competitive and maintenance costs much lower. The new Recorder Lite software includes features beyond the scope of Chart Recorders, including trends, realtime data, alarms and historical storage. The new 2100A16 includes 16 individually configurable inputs channels for Thermocouple, Pt100., Pt1000, mA, mV and V, plus 4 digital inputs 2 alarm relay outputs and 2 analogue outputs. The recorder module is a vital component to any monitoring System as it represents the data acquisition component. The visual displays can switch between the data (spreadsheet) format and the line (trend graph) format to group and display information instantaneously and historically with on screen viewing as far back as you want to go. The Recorder is ahead of its time and liked by all who use it. This package is also available with 32 channels of recording, Part #: IT0261 - inquire about pricing.

  • Real-time line graphs and data screens
  • Batch and continuous recording
  • Mathematical blocks
  • Totalizing in engineering units
  • Total hours run facility
  • Data logs to printer
  • Data storage to disk
  • Help Screens
  • Historical search and retrieval
  • Toolbar Support
  • History replay
  • Function key support
  • Alarm and event handling


  • Real-Time line graphs.
  • Real-Time data screens.
  • Continuous and Batch recording.
  • Data analysis.
  • Historical retrieval and search.
  • History replay.
  • Mathematical: Subtraction, Addition, Multiply, Divide, Sq. Root, Average, Min/Max
  • Multi level passwords.
  • Alarm Handling and Printing.
  • Event Handling and Printing.
  • Comment entry by users.

Additional Information

Optional: Software re-licence fee for new computer, $405 US